Winter Weather

In the event of Winter Weather, please take note of our cancellation policies.
- Generally, the Church Office will try to remain open on snow days unless there is a significant accumulation of ice or the parking lot is inaccessible.
- During the school week, if Elkin City Schools are cancelled, then afternoon and evening activities will be cancelled as well.
- If the office is closed, an announcement will be sent to WXII-12 TV in Winston-Salem. It will also be posted on the church's website, Facebook Page and on the church answering system. It would be wise to give the office a call before traveling to the church.

- A decision on cancelling the 8:45 am worship service and Sunday School will be made by 7 am on the morning in question.
- Regardless of area cancellations, we will always have our 10:55 am worship service for those who are able to safely make it to church.
- The announcement will be sent to WIFM Radio in Elkin and WXII-12 TV in Winston-Salem. It will also be posted on the church’s website, Facebook Page, and on the church answering system.